This is our first K9 Bytes® newsletter! This is the first issue of what will be a regularly published newsletter to all of our valued customers. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep you informed of the latest news and information from K9 Bytes®. To begin, as many of you might know, we have released the latest version of K9 Koordinator: Cheetah. Cheetah is the most recent development in the K9 Koordinator family of programs. Cheetah features an enhanced accounting portion of the program and several new reports in addition to streamlining many of the processes found in K9 Koordinator. If you have just recently updated from Olympus to Cheetah, or are planning to please take a look at our release notes highlighting the changes between both versions: K9 Koordinator Release Notes Also, please refer to our user’s guide for further information about K9 Koordinator: K9 Koordinator User's Guide In addition to the new version of K9 Koordinator, K9 Bytes® has implemented a new program to expedite the way we address your technical support issues. The Customer Resource Management system (CRM) is a recent addition to the array of tools that K9 Bytes® utilizes in order to bring you better technical support. The CRM is a comprehensive program that allows us to track, manage, and address all incoming customer issues. Your account in the CRM includes all your relevant information: business name and address, contacts, comprehensive contact information including phone numbers, email addresses, and a list of your support history with K9 Bytes®. The most efficient way of addressing your support request is by creating a ticket through the CRM. You can create a ticket in the CRM in one of two ways: 1. You can go to our website and select "Open Tech Support Ticket" under the tab titled "Tech Support" on the main screen. 2. You can create a ticket through your program by either clicking on the link at the bottom of the screen titled "Questions? Click here to create a technical support ticket." Or go to "Help" and select "Create Tech Support Ticket." For more information on how to use the CRM, click here. You will need your Business ID to complete the ticket. Your Business ID is: @ID Another bit of good news that we have is the addition of several new members of the K9 Bytes® Team! Our new team members are Shawn Dreier (Programming), Chris Gillis, Justin Roberts, and Victoria Hill (Technical Support). These additional members are part of the greater plan to bring you the best in quality tech support. This is the first in what will be a regular Newsletter. Our intention in doing this is to keep you up to date with all the latest news on K9 Bytes®! Best Regards, Christopher Smutko Manager of Operations To unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.